Fibreglass Ponds cannot be shipped out of the Perth Metro Area.
Square Fibreglass Ponds come in the following sizes:
- Extra Small - 108 x 108 x 30cm (349 litres)
- Small Shallow - 131 x 131 x 18cm (300 litres)
- Small - 120 x 120 x 45cm (432 litres)
- Deep Square - 117 x 117 x 70cm (958 litres)
- Medium - 150 x 150 x 40cm (900 litres)
- Large - 201 x 201 x 45cm (1818 litres)
Rigid preformed ponds are available in many different shapes and sizes. Rigid ponds, in either poly or fibreglass are easy to install and are very durable. When choosing the location of your pond it's a good idea to consider a few things. For example:
- Will it be enjoyed and easily visible where you are placing it?
- Consider the noise factor. Will the feature be irritating when it's running at night?
- Consider the location to power. This depends on the type of feature you are wanting to run. There are solar pumps available that come with fountain kits if you are wanting something simple. You can use solar pumps for small water features, but are not ideal for features with high lifts and waterfalls with large flows. So some consideration on the type of feature you are wanting is essential if you are heading more towards solar.
- Avoid placing the pond directly under trees, as leaves and debris will pollute the water.
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